If you have a story that you would like to share,
please send to: tammybpatterson@yahoo.com
Stories about Mom & Dad
Wednesday, August 24, 2011, 3:58:59 AM
Wednesday, August 24, 2011, 6:27:18 PM
Today, August 26, 2011, 10:10:24 PM(good old man classes, the good old man show)Hurricans and Earthquakes
How did I get here:
My name is Tia Brantley and I am a 45 year old black female and I reside in Mine Hill, New Jersey. I was born in Bridgeport, CT - My father is Mr. Wardell Brantley and mother, Mrs. Nancy Brantley (her maiden name is Vereen). My father's parents (Connie Brantley, Annie B. Haley) moved to CT from Jackson, Mississippi when he was 10 years old. At the time, my grandfather worked for and retired from Carpenter's Steele (http://www.fundinguniverse.com/company-histories/Carpenter-Technology-Corporation-Company-History.html) - My grandparents on my father's side had 4 children - 2 boys, 2 girls - my father is the 3rd child. I am not sure where or if my grandmother worked, but I will be reseaching to find out if she is related to Alex Haley. Related well-known family members on my grandmother's side of the family are Charles Haley, Harvey Lee Catchings, and Tameika Catchings.
My mother was born in Conway, South Carolina to Stacy and Elizabeth Vereen (my grandmother's maiden name is Green). I never met my grandparents on my mother's side - they passed away when my mother was 16. My mother is the youngest child out of 12 children - 3 boys and 9 girls. She graduated from Whittemore High School with honors and was valedictorian of her class. She moved to Bridgeport, CT when she was 18 years old to attend the University of Bridgeport. She was a school teacher, nurse and worked for GE (http://www.ge.com/). Related well-known family members on my mother's side of the family include Ben Vereen and a host of other family members who are entertainers such as singers, producers, artists, comedians, choreographers and writers.
When my parents met, my mother had a 2 year old son (Kai Hunter) and when they married had 5 other children (a total of 3 boys and 3 girls) - I am the 3rd child, born on July 31st, 1966.
When I was born in 1966 and the first 7 years of my life my parents lived in Bridgeport and New Haven CT. We moved to my mother's home town in SC when I was age 7. While in CT, my mother home schooled me and I attended my 1st and 2nd year of school at the Muhammad Mosque, Temple #40 (#44?) in CT. My mother also taught Arabic at the school. During the day, girls went to school - in the afternoon - the boys attended - my 2 older brothers also attended (there were only 3 of us born at the time). When my parents met, my father was a truck driver, but they were introduced to Islam and my father quickly became what was called, "The Fruit" of Islam - he was a recruiter and he later on became a leader and after moving to South Carolina opened his own mosque. While in CT my father was responsible for teaching Muhammad Ali about the nation of Islam. Muhammad Ali and his wife frequented our home when I was a toddler and were very good friends with my parents. My parents also knew Malcom X and his wife very well - my mother was his assistant secretary and he named my brother (the 2nd eldest) Hakim. After the death of Malcolm X - my parents decided to move South to her home town in Conway, SC. There my father continued to work as a truck driver for the town's paving company - to which he was responsible for initiating the paving and naming of many of the small town dirt roads. My mother worked for Waccamaw EOC (Economic Opportunity Council) where she worked as their accountant and headed the emergency housing assistance program - she was responsible for many individuals receiving funds for homes in need of renovations. Both of my parents always became very well known in the communities we lived in and recognized by the people for their leadership and involvement of making communities a better place to live.
At some point throughout my childhood and teenage years, My parents also had their own companies. My mother is a seamstress and at one time owned her own sewing shop - she can make everything from valences and slip covers to coats and jeans. I remember her making my school clothes until I entered junior high school...I had to ask her to please let me buy some store brought clothing! Looking back now, she was the best designer and I wished I had some of the clothing with her name tags on them - I wished I had picked up where she left off. Slowly she went out of business because she did not have the type of assistance needed for the workload. My father at one point owned his own sanitation company with clientele in Myrtle Beach until Waste Management (http://www.wm.com/index.jsp) came in and brought him and all of the other small companies out. My father was asked to take over in Scranton, PA and when his contract was up in 5 years, he could move back downsouth and still earn the same pay...this is how I ended up in New Jesery. By the time this all happened - I had 3 other siblings (my 2 sisters and baby brother) and they were still in high school and wanted to move closer to NYC...so my father moved to Lake Hiawatha, NJ. When his contract was up, my parents and siblings moved back south, I fell in love with my partner Timothy Edmonds, stayed and lived in Morris County ever since.
When my parents owned their businesses, everyting from a Mosque to vacuum cleaners (Electrolux) and household products (Amway) - I always helped in some way - whether it was with finance, marketing and advertising or doing the actual labor...and I loved it. One thing my parents always told me, "if you're not happy working for someone, then work for yourself." Everytime I felt myself even beginning to complain, I hear those words and I shut up and I continued to work on my goals of becoming a business owner.
Today, after 5 siblings, 1 child (now 30) my life-partner, 1 step-child and 2 grandchildern later...I must say the influence of my parents have had (and continues to have) a tremendous effect on my upbringing. I have love and respect for all people and their religous or non-religous beliefs. Although I grew up as a Muslim, after moving to South Carolina I attended church with my relatives, joined a church when I married (and divorced). Today, I do not visit mosques or church unless invited...or if there is a special occassion. I do not believe in appeasing via religion and I am fair when it comes to business and my personal life.
This all brings me to what I want to do and why. Since I was child I always always involved in music.
Tia B. Happy
Tammy B. Patterson
I hope you're here forever
rubbing my arm and telling me I can do anything
Never let a man's wrong keep me from being strong
I love it even when you suck your teeth,
because my
hard head won't accept the knowledge you preach
You seem to always know where I want to go. You feel my soul.
I hope it's reflection when I smile
Lessons my Parents Taught
Submitted by Tammy Patterson on October 22nd, 2013 – Flag this news as inappropriate
Category: Personal
Talking with my brother yesterday we realized the lessons we learned from watching our parents are still very instrumental in our lives to day.
He spoke of how he learned to be patient with people in general, keeping his cool and deflecting problems from our Dad. He remembered watchig our father negotiate prices, and never using curse words even when everyone around him did. He spoke of how it was a testament to our father that our mother was his bestfriend and took care of the house and always had his back. He always got the big chicken.
I myself learned to be my husband's cheerleader from our mother. I watched her do the background work for a trash disposal business that he (they) owned. She was happy and loved her position.
I'm blessed to have experienced that type of love and respect.
They are always there
supporting you when needed.
No love like their love.
On some occasions,
There are so many of them.
No love like their love.
Haiku By: Aria Brantley
When It Rains, It Pours
By: Tia Brantley
when it rains it pours half the time the whole situation dont even be yours
coming down so hard from all corners of the earthit just brings one thought to let you know that birth
so many situations you cant keep ahead of them allbut you know you gottafight to keep standing talltry to tackel a little something, one by onebut how can you? it seems it's just begun?
a whole lotta shita lotta this and that's alldont wanna be shortdont wanna be tall throw it all in the mix dont want to be that eitherdo we really know what we want?how bout some peaceon some easter
.are we sure that it's gonna be all right?when the higher ups like world leadersstrive so very hard just fight for our rights?what does this all mean?I know we just dont give upwhat does it all mean?grab a seat, revamp,shutup?
just wanna screamwanna crywanna ask all the time whynever mindhow to findthe real questionwhich is good bye?
say goodbyeto all the hurtall the painall the abusemake it simplelive life straightsee a pointsee your future.
think back just a littleto regainwhat you've learnedtake the bestand run with itnever feel you're rehearsed.
let nothing stop what you truly desirewhich is to bethe best insidethat you can befor yourselfand for thoseon the outside.
do what you canbut do the extensionof what you've learnedtodayand dont forgetthere is also the sunafter the lovelyrainy days.
dont forget there's sometimes rain when the sun is shining to when it rains it pours when it rains it shines when it rains we sing when it rains we dine when it rains we rejoice when it rains we make choices when it rains we shop when it rains we get out. when it rains we get out. when it rains it drips when it rains we slip when it rains we see light when it rains when it rains when it rains..
An exert from Tammy B. Patterson's book:
The Love Letter
Origin, meaning, morality, and destiny
If God wrote you a love letter would you read it?
I was asked this question by my husband. The Bible is just that, a love letter from God to his children. If we all were to read what God wrote to us, it would end the never ending question so many people are searching. The question of purpose. Everyone wants to know what their purpose is. What am I on this earth for? What am I supposed to be doing in this lifetime? Revelation 4:11 says, "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created". Wow. Right there in Revelations, you were created to please God. God created you for his pleasure. How do I please God? You please God by loving Him and your neighbor with all your heart.
Your Father's letter will answer these questions and many more unaware. The Bible will become personal between you and God. He will open your understanding and give you wisdom. The key to receiving this wisdom is asking and seeking it.
Jeremiah 29:13 "and ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart".
Psalms 40:16 Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: let such as love thy salvation say continually, The Lord be magnified.
Psalms 53:2 God looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, that did seek God.
God loves to see his children seeking his truth. It was amazing how answers would be revealed to me once I started pondering life's secrets. I learned early that God spoke through every day people. "Crazy Carol" from across the hall had plenty of Godly information for me. I simply had to slow down and give her some time and listen. Being a busy twenty something year old slowing down to listen was exasperating. During one of her many visits to my apartment one day she used the word "remembrance" and I thought to myself, "she is crazy as catfish just making up words". Not long after I'm watching T.D. Jakes on television and there it is right there in the scripture, the word remembrance. Crazy Carole not so crazy. God works outside the box. I began to converse with her every chance I could realizing she was a blessing to me, and not the other way around. During those years and many after Carole would show up in my life at just the "right" time and bless me with whatever I was in need of. Sometimes it would be money, food, a word of wisdom, or just her laughter and bright smile to let me know she was alright.
The Bible is written in two parts thus making it a whole, the old and new testaments. The old being before Christ's birth, the new being after his birth. The New Testament is the story of events after the crucifixion told in the perspective of four men. (Apostles: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) For a full understanding you will have to read the accounts of all the Apostles. One would experience or see something the other did not. Many like to say because of the different accounts, the Bible is contradicting itself; not so, just different views. All the Gospels are unique according to the special design for that particular Gospel which makes all the Gospels perfect and in order. You must take into consideration the original language of the Bible. It was written in Hebrew. The meaning of many words used today are not the same meaning as when the Bible was written.
Therefore translating words to their Hebrew, Chaldean and Greek roots are very necessary so that you may have eyes to see and ears to hear our Father's Word. The Strong's Concordance is an excellent resource for the Bible. The Bible being produced many times over makes doubters of the true word. Keep in mind the Bible had to be written in many languages so that all men of all nations could read the Word for themselves. An example of not researching the root of a word is the mix up with the word "speak". In 1 Corinthians 14:34 it says, Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; Many interpret this verse as women are not to speak, teach, prophesy or do anything in the church other than serve. Speak in the Greek means to chatter or gossip. No man or woman should gossip or chatter in church. Another example is in Revelations it says there will be a new earth. The word new translated is rejuvenated in Greek.
Believing that you are reading man's document will cause you to find discrepancies in God's Word. The Bible is divinely written. Ask for God's grace of understanding before reading the Bible.
Everyone on the face of this earth has the opportunity to be God’s child. Any race, no matter the sin, if you want God as your Father, He promises to accept you as you are and love you. He is a God of love, understanding, and second chances.
To: Mommy
From: Jazmin
By: Tammy Brantley Patterson wrote this in 2000
Words can't describe you. Mommy said you broke the mold, how true indeed. I thank God everyday for giving me to you. He knew that the man that was to be my father had to be gentle and strong. God knew you had to be patient and understanding.
Daddy, I can never thank you enough for not allowing the worldly studpidity to enter our doors. you never closed the door so that we wouldn't know what really goes on, but I watched you watching us so that we wouldn't hurt ourselves. The times we did hurt ourselves by way of a hard head you picked us up and made us see the light. "There's always an answer" were your words. You never stopped believing in me, never stopped loving me, never stopped coming for me. Many times, I was silent, it was because I didn't want to disappoint you. Remember the day you let me move back down south? (We were living in Netcong) That day I knew you understood me. That day you saw that strong Brantley gene looking back at you.
Your love is endless. I wish there were something I could measure the gratitude and pride I have when I see you and Mommy together. You nursed her back to health, you watched her you monitored her, you loved her, and at the same time worked a job, kept the house, and still kept a watchful eye on your grown children and thier children. There is not a hall of fame big enough for you.
When I teach Haley and Halil to respect elders and not to laugh and pick at the unfortunate, not judge, and to make the best of what they have I remember you teaching it to me. Even the value of a dollar. You gave Tyra, Wardell Jr., and myself a dollar each to enjoy a day at the Pavilion. You know you were wrong.
Tia told me once how you turned the car around one day to blast the babysitter out for spanking me becuase I messed in my clothes. I don't remember that but I do have a picture in my mind of you standing ten feet tall, and no greater man. My Daddy.
![Tammy and Daddy](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/beb12e_6f8e2857bdf94743ab51cd02d31d14b7.jpg/v1/fill/w_980,h_732,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/beb12e_6f8e2857bdf94743ab51cd02d31d14b7.jpg)
![Tammy, Daddy and Tyra](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/beb12e_dca0919a0ae74a27bf62bf5804075440.png/v1/fill/w_604,h_453,al_c,q_85,enc_avif,quality_auto/beb12e_dca0919a0ae74a27bf62bf5804075440.png)
![Daddy with family at Pavilion](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/beb12e_2fe9202ad1634c36bb7940716cf5cf32.jpg/v1/fill/w_538,h_554,al_c,q_80,enc_avif,quality_auto/beb12e_2fe9202ad1634c36bb7940716cf5cf32.jpg)
![Tammy and Daddy](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/beb12e_6f8e2857bdf94743ab51cd02d31d14b7.jpg/v1/fill/w_980,h_732,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/beb12e_6f8e2857bdf94743ab51cd02d31d14b7.jpg)
Mommy's Homegoing
Ecclesiastes 12:7 then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it
After a person dies their flesh body is returned to the earth, their spiritual body is returned to our Father in heaven. This is the case for every person no matter their status or circumstance. Once in heaven it becomes a matter of your deeds on earth. If you were not a child of God, then in heaven you are in a place referred to as the Gulf. In this place you will be given the opportunity to learn God’s Word and chose God and his Son before the Lord’s Day. As stated in chapter 1 He is a God of love and many chances.
How merciful is our God? In the above scripture it tells how after he died he went to the prisoners or the people that died before the Crucifixion and taught them the word of God; giving them the same opportunity to choose God as the children living under grace. He did this for all children, all the way back to the days of Noah.
Ecclesiastes 12:7 should serve as a major peace maker for people who have lost loved ones. I was able to accept my mother's death because I know she rests with the Lord. It is heartbreaking to know people carry the pain of loosing a loved one because they believe that person's life ends with a burial in the ground.
An exert from Tammy B. Patterson's book:
The Love Letter
Where is your Wig?
by: Tammy B. Patterson
I was about 20-22 I'm lying down on the couch in the den, Daddy is sitting in the single chair watching a basketball game. Mommy walks in and heads out the back door. Daddy in his "smart alec" voice says, "Dixie, where's your wig"? Sassy turns around and says, "on the dresser with your teeth". As I fall off the couch laughing, my dear Daddy tells me to shut up.
Wardell and Nancy Brantley~A love worth celebrating
http://dixielee515.wix.com/brantleyfamily http://kennethdpatterson.wix.com/kennedyandkenndal
send information to be included to: tammybpatterson@yahoo.com